Film Insurance
Everyone loves the movies but not many insurance companies understand the risks involved in making a blockbuster - or have the credits to prove it. As a specialist insurance broker and risk advisor to the New Zealand Film & Television industry, we can cover production risks for individuals and companies from small independent videos through to large studio financed mega movies.
Our client base ranges from camera operators to lighting trucks, studios and special effects companies. We can cover filming in New Zealand or overseas.
Talk to our team about cover for:
All property risks
Film producers Indemnity
Film Negative
Weather risks
All liability risks
Death & disablement (Personal Accident & Sickness)
Kidnap & Ransom
The Film Producers’ Indemnity section covers Financial Loss to the Production Company where a Named Person suffers an accident, illness or even death during the policy period. The usual people insured are Principal Actors, the Director and the Producer.
What will the policy pay for?
i) Extra expenditure incurred in maintaining the Production.
ii) Extra expenditure incurred to complete the Production.
iii) Costs involved if Abandonment or Suspension is agreed with Apex General Insurance Ltd (Apex) and their insurers.
This section covers Physical Loss or Damage to Props, Set and Wardrobe, used in connection with a production.
What will the policy pay for?
i) Reinstatement or Replacement of lost or damaged items.
This section covers Physical Loss or Damage to Equipment (cameras, lighting and sound), used in connection with a production. Cover can also include equipment such as edit suites and associated equipment.
What will the policy pay for?
i) Reinstatement or Replacement of lost or damaged item/s.
This section covers Money used in connection with a production such as ‘petty cash’ and ‘production floats’ on location.
What will the policy pay for?
i) Accidental physical loss, damage or theft of money, discovered within three working days of an occurrence.
This section protects the Production Company for sums, which they become legally liable to pay as compensation (excluding punitive or exemplary damages) in relation to:
i) Bodily Injury (including Death & Illness).
ii) Loss of or Damage to Property including Loss of Use.
This section covers the Production Company for any additional Expenses incurred, following Physical Loss or Damage to cameras, equipment or facilities.
What will the policy pay for?
i) Accidental physical loss, damage or theft of money, discovered within three working days of an occurrence.
This section covers physical Loss or Damage to Negatives or Videotape. Cover is also extended to provide for Faulty Stock, Faulty Camera and Faulty Processing losses. Negative includes all forms of digital data storage devices (e.g. DVD, Memory sticks etc.)
What will the policy pay for?
i) Extra Expenditure incurred in re-shooting or repairing lost or damaged footage.
The Apex E&O Policy is a specialist policy that protects Production Companies against being sued for damages. This policy covers the Production Company’s liability for sums for which they become legally obligated to pay as Damages. These Damages may be awarded in a court of law for:
i) Invasion, Infringement or Interference with Privacy or Publicity rights.
ii) Infringements of Copyright or Trademark.
iii) Libel, Slander or other forms of Defamation.
iv) Plagiarism, Piracy, or Unfair Competition resulting from alleged unauthorized use of Titles and Formats, Ideas, Characters, Plots, Performances or other material.
v) Breach of Contract.
vi) Coverage is worldwide and normally issued for an initial period of 3 years.
To discuss further or for any queries, please email the team or call us on 09 520 9441.